
nursing care

Home nursing care in
the Gatineau area

Receiving care at home is easier than it sounds with our nursing services. Whether you have difficulty getting around, a lack of time or a phobia, our team offers you quality care in the comfort and peace of your home.

Home blood
sampling services

The SSMT clinic offers sampling services in the comfort of your home or office. Contact us at 819 595-0790 to book an appointment and find out about our rates.

Analysis are performed by the CISSS de l’Outaouais laboratory or by Dynacare’s private laboratory, depending on your preference.

Public laboratory testing CISSSO

Upon presentation of a valid health insurance card or your eligibility certificate (Asylum seeker – Refugee – Immigrant – Diplomat)
*Please note that we do not have access to your results; they are sent directly to the doctor(s) indicated on your request by the hospital laboratory. *

Private laboratory testing Dynacare

Wound care and
home dressings

Wound care involves the assessment and treatment of skin lesions to promote optimal healing. Our trained professionals are able to treat all types of wounds, with or without a prescription*. They have in-depth knowledge of different wound types, dressings, materials and bandaging techniques.


Here are just a few examples of the types of wounds we can treat: surgical wounds, skin tears, ulcers, picc line care and dressing, suture and staple removal* (with prescription) and much more!

Change of urinary catheter (bladder catheter) at home

Urinary catheters are used to empty the bladder when this is impossible or naturally ineffective as a result of surgery, prostate disease, urinary tract infection or other conditions. It is imperative that catheter care is carried out by trained professionals to avoid potential complications.


Our team will provide you with optimal care in the comfort of your home.

Take advantage of your insurance and tax credits

Did you know that most of our services are covered by insurance companies? You may also qualify for a tax credit for your medical care. Contact your insurer for more details.


Home nursing care

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