Meet our team members
Our medical team
Our specialized nursing team
Our specialized nursing team is dedicated to providing care in travel health, vaccination, women’s health, sexual health and STBBI screening. At SSMT, we’re proud to be the reference in the Gatineau area (or region) for our expertise in these fields, guaranteeing our patients quality care and personalized follow-up.
Our nursing team
Our care support team and administrative staff
Our management team
Our management team, consisting of a nurse and a Chartered Professional Accountant, is dedicated to providing an incomparable patient experience while ensuring a balanced and fulfilling working environment for staff members. Present on a daily basis, they ensure the smooth running of the clinic.
Take advantage of your insurance and tax credits
Did you know that most of our services are covered by insurance companies? You may also qualify for a tax credit for your medical care. Contact your insurer for more details.
Notre blogue propose des articles divers sur différents thèmes de la santé et de la prévention. Suivez les actualités de votre centre médical de Gatineau!